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Mystery Of Kailash

The Kailash mountain is a renowned peak situated close to Lake Manasarovar and Lake Rakshastal in the Kailash range that spans across India and Tibet. According to the belief, the Kailash mountain is the sacred dwelling of Lord Shiva, who is said to be in perpetual meditation with his partner Parvati and his beloved vehicle Nandi.

The Buddhists consider this place as the abode of Buddha, while the followers of Jainism believe that Rishabh, the preacher of the religion, attained enlightenment here. This peak is surrounded by many enigmatic incidents, and one of the most fascinating ones is that no one has ever conquered its summit.   

The dwelling place of Lord Shiva and the origin of the Brahmaputra, Indus, Sutlej, and Karnali rivers, Mount Kailash is the holy place that is known as the heart of the world and the gateway to paradise. The exceptionally hallowed mountain is located in the south-western area of Tibet, adjoining the Kumaon territory of India - the juncture where the divine realm intersects with the earthly realm. 

About Kailash Parwat      

The western region of Tibet is home to Mount Kailash. Despite having an altitude of 6,656 metres above sea level, the mountain is not considered high in Tibet. Nevertheless, it is a revered sacred site for numerous followers of Buddhism, Bon, Hinduism, and Jainism. According to Hinduism, the mountain is where Shiva resides and is the world's centre. 

Jainism believes that the mountain is where Rishabhanatha, its ancestor, attained the path. Tibetan Buddhism regards the mountain as the dwelling place of Cakrasamvara, signifying boundless joy. The Bönpo Religion, on the other hand, considers Mt. Kailash has a nine-story swastika mountain that serves as the seat of spiritual power. Thus, this spiritual mountain is the centre of the world and a holy place for several sects. The tales of Kailash Mansarovar's miracles have been heard, discussed, and even investigated, but no definite conclusions have been reached. Here, we have compiled 15 secrets, mysteries, or facts about Mount Kailash that may offer you a fresh perspective.    

Mystery About Kailash Parwat

As the saying goes, "The cosmos is not obliged to be comprehensible to mankind." At times, we must have faith in the incredible; it is then that we submit to the ultimate authority. For numerous reasons, Mount Kailash is a location on this planet that has been recognized as sacred by people worldwide. 

  • Significance Of Mount Kailash In Different Religions- Mount Kailash is widely regarded as the Sanctum Sanctorum by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Bon practitioners alike. For Hindus, Kailash is revered as the divine abode of Shiva. Tibetan Buddhists view it as an earthly representation of Buddhist cosmology. 

Jains hold the place in high esteem as the site where their founder, Rishabh, attained spiritual enlightenment. According to Boms, their founder descended from heaven and landed at Kailash. Despite the different perspectives, the common thread is that the majestic snow-capped mountain is universally recognized as a sacred and divine place.   

  • Discovered As The Centre Of The World- Based on the investigations carried out by numerous scholars, it has been affirmed that Mount Kailash functions as the pivot point of the celestial sphere. As documented in the Vedas and the epic Ramayana, Kailash Parvat has been established as the axis Mundi through scientific exploration.

 Multiple research studies have demonstrated that this divine summit is the centre of the world and is linked to significant structures across the globe. For instance, the historic Stonehenge site in England is situated 6,666 km away from this location. Similarly, the North Pole is also located 6,666 km from Mount Kailash, and the distance is doubled precisely with the South Pole, which is positioned at a distance of 13,332 km from the peak.  

  • A Stareway Between Heaven And Earth- As stated in the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of the Hindu religion, Mount Kailash serves as a bridge connecting the earth and heaven. In accordance with the Mahabharata, the Pandavas ascended Mount Kailash alongside their beloved companion Draupadi to attain Moksha. While scaling the cliff, the others gradually fell away, leaving only Yudhishthira, for whom the gates of heaven opened. The Kailash Parvat, with its four sloping sides arranged in alignment with the four cardinal directions, represents the epitome of flawlessness. Devotees firmly believe that it serves as the portal to the afterlife.  

  • Creation Of OM Symbol-  Mahadev, the annihilator of the universe, dwells in Kailash Mountain. The representation of Om created by the accumulation of snow on the granite peak is considered to be the manifestation of his existence. In our society, there are believers and non-believers. 

Sceptics have their own explanations for regarding it as a mere chance, but for the faithful, the extraordinary manifestation of Om holds great symbolic significance. They perceive it as a divine creation that demands complete surrender and faith.  

  • Taking a leap on time- Lord Shiva's Kailash is known for its remarkable feature of time travel, wherein the air present in the mountain expedites the process of ageing. This claim of transtemporal travel is substantiated by the account of mountaineers from Siberia, who aged by several decades after crossing the prohibited boundary. Unfortunately, all of them met their demise within a year of their visit, owing to the sudden advancement in age. Such incidents pique our curiosity and leave us bewildered. 

The visitors of Kailash Parvat, including trekkers and pilgrims, have observed a rapid growth of nails and hair during their journey and even after their return from the sacred mountain. Despite the scepticism of some, the undeniable truth can be witnessed in the growth that takes place in a matter of hours or weeks at Kailash.

Why Mount Kailash does not allow climbing and some interesting facts?

The primary reason why Mount Kailash remains unclimbed is due to its religious significance. Mount Kailash is not scaled by any pilgrims, as all four religions (Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and Bon) hold the belief that it would be a grave act of disrespect to set foot on its slopes. According to legend, the only individual to have reached its summit is the Buddhist hero Milarepa, and all others who have dared to defy the prohibition have perished in the attempt. The Tibetan government does not grant permits for climbing the mountain, and closely monitors all visitors to ensure that no unlawful activities take place in this sacred area. 

  • Despite popular beliefs, the pyramid-shaped Mount Kailash is the product of the exceptional technical skills possessed by divine beings of superhuman nature.

  • The Buddhist and Hindu scriptures mention the presence of ancient monasteries and caves around Mount Kailash where holy sages reside in both their physical and subtle forms. These caves can only be witnessed by a fortunate few.

  • Each year, numerous pilgrims visit Tibet to embark on a pilgrimage to the sacred Mount Kailash. While some manage to reach the region, only a handful complete the circumambulation of the holy peak. Although a few brave mountaineers have attempted to climb the summit, none have succeeded. Getty Images

  •  Hindus consider climbing up to the peak of Mount Kailash a forbidden act, as it may disturb the divine energies residing there and violate the mountain's sanctity. According to a Tibetan legend, a monk named Milarepa once ventured far enough to reach the top of Mount Meru (Mount Kailash). Upon returning, he warned others to refrain from disturbing the God resting at the peak.

  •  Mount Kailash boasts two stunning lakes - Mansarovar and Rakshas Tal - located at its base. Among the two, Mansarovar, situated at an altitude of 14,950 ft (4,590 metres), is regarded as the highest freshwater body in the world. 

Conclusion And The  Best Season To Visit Kailash 

The ideal time to explore Kailash is from June to August. Though Kailash tours commence from May, the journey is still chilly and requires traversing icy paths at the highest Dolma-La pass. September is also a good month, but temperatures begin to drop. Kailash operations continue from mid-May to mid-September. The region receives less rainfall during the rainy season as it is in a rain shadow area. The winter season blankets the entire area in thick snow. 

The coldest months in Kailash are from December to February. Even in March, April, and the first half of May, the Parikrama path is still icy. Pilgrims mainly focus on the Kailash Parikrama, a three-day walk around the mountain. 


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